Algorithm for treatment of septic shock and severe sepsis.
This application contains a revised and updated edition of International Guidelines for Management of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock.The information is structured in a practical way that allows the orientation and shape of action quickly following the philosophy of the campaigns "Surviving Sepsis" ... .. time is life.There is an algorithm for the initial management, including particulars of the mode of action "intervention" to achieve the desired objectives at an early stage. It also contains a guide antimicrobial oriented according suspected primary infection.This update includes new recommendations to define and improve the diagnostic definition of sepsis, septic shockThe recommendations are published in the February issue of JAMA 2016 and recently highlighted that doctors and the media in the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) 45th Critical Care Congress in Orlando, Florida.Also included is a new utility for calculating the SOFA ( Sepsis related Organ Failure Assessment)